Accreditation of TRNC Universities.

YÖDAK President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avchi and his delegation visited the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) in Ankara and met with its President Prof. Dr. Umit Kojabicak.

According to a statement by YÖDAK, as a result of the meeting, it was decided to start studies on the institutional accreditation of TRNC universities in January 2024 in cooperation with YÖDAK - YÖKAK.

At a meeting with YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Umit Kojabicak noted that the fact that the universities whose institutional accreditation is completed will be included in the database of the European Higher Education Quality Assurance Association (ENQA) and will be recognized in the European Union, which will also favorably affect the TRNC universities in the process world recognition.

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