Environmental and energy literacy among the younger generation.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus launched an educational initiative on environmental literacy, renewable energy, energy conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

A protocol on cooperation between the Ministry of National Education and the Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) on the preparation of educational documents on ecology and energy was signed yesterday at a ceremony held at the Ministry of National Education.

According to a written statement from the ministry, the protocol signed by National Education Minister Nazim Cavusoglu and President of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers Uner Kutalmis aims to spread environmental and energy literacy among the younger generation.

As part of the protocol, the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, affiliated to the Union of Turkish Cypriot Chambers of Engineers and Architects, under the supervision and with the approval of the Ministry of National Education, will prepare written and visual teaching aids on environmental literacy, renewable energy, energy conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, which will be part of education systems and will help raise students' awareness of these issues.

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