Entrepreneurship course in TRNC schools.

A cooperation protocol was signed between the Ministry of National Education, the Cypriot Turkish Business Women's Association (GİKAD) and the Northern Cyprus Young Businessmen's Association (GİAD) on the "Curriculum Teacher Training Project".

At a ceremony held in the meeting room of the Ministry of National Education, Minister of National Education Nazim Cavusoglu, President of the Association of Turkish Women Entrepreneurs of Cyprus Ichim Caginer Kavuklu and President of the Association of Young Businessmen of Northern Cyprus Orhan Gavani signed the protocol.

The protocol signed within the framework of the Entrepreneurial Children of the Island project provides for conducting entrepreneurship trainings for teachers who will take part in entrepreneurship courses planned for the 2023-2024 academic year, as well as instilling entrepreneurial skills in students.

As part of the training, teachers will be trained on the topics "Transformation in Education", "The Importance of Children's Entrepreneurship", "Value Creation and Entrepreneurship", "Entrepreneurial Thinking and Marketing", "Marketing, Advertising and Campaign Creation", "Budgeting and Costing" , "Development of applied projects", "Being a child and a teacher in the digital age", "Producing activity".

The Minister of Education noted that the project is very productive so far and that a course on entrepreneurship will be included in the curriculum this year.


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