President of TRNC has returned from the Organization of Turkic States summit in Azerbaijan

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has returned from the Organization of Turkic States summit in Azerbaijan. The Northern Cyprus leader announced that "a bridge has been established between the Turkic world and the Mediterranean."

At Ercan Airport, officials including Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre welcomed President Tatar. He conducted a press conference upon his arrival.

President Tatar expressed gratitude to the forum's organizers for their hospitality and highlighted the TRNC's keenness to engage in all activities of the TDT and to foster relations with its member countries.

He underscored the support from Turkey's Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and Foreign Affairs Minister Hakan Fidan, affirming Turkey's complete backing of the two-state policy.

Additionally, President Tatar extended thanks to Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and the TDT's Secretary General, remarking on the significance of the TRNC's first high-level summit participation outside of Turkey.

Reflecting on his Shusha meetings, he reiterated the establishment of a bridge linking the Turkic world with the Mediterranean, citing the TRNC's strategic national importance with its maritime and airspace.

The informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States took place last weekend in Shusha, Azerbaijan.

Speculation arose during the forum about the potential announcement of the TRNC's inclusion in the TDT and recognition by other Turkic states. Yet, no official declarations have been made thus far.

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